صور اطفال Flickr Kid Mixr 8/25/07

Flickr Kid Mixr 8/25/07
Flickr Kid Mixr 8/25/07
It took me awhile to bust out my camera because a) I didn’t feel comfortable with people I had just met and b)all these friggin’ people were bustin’ out with their Nikons.

Let’s keep it real, I don’t shoot Nikon and I don’t want to (I believe it’s the photographer who makes the photo, not the camera), but it’s slightly intimidating when you’ve got these Nikon-ites busting out their Nikons with appendage sized lenses and comparing their hardware. And then there’s the dork, me, with the goofy Olympus.

No worries. Olympus is cheaper and like I said the photographer makes the photo. If I were a professional I might consider a Nikon, but I’m looking for a reasonable price point and good photos in the right lighting conditions.

Anyways, since I’m all shy & junk I didn’t get a pic of all the kids there. So if your kid is not in there I apologize.